Report an Incident 

This is a placeholder where the progress elements will display. Be careful no to remove this wrapper.
1. Incident Details
Please be advised that ADL is neither a legal services agency nor a law enforcement agency.  All potential criminal incidents should also be reported to local, state, or federal authorities, as appropriate. If you are fearful of reporting to police for any reason, please consider referring to this list of community support agencies/organizations.

Report an Incident

This is a placeholder where the progress elements will display. Be careful no to remove this wrapper.
2. Incident Location

School Incident



Please report the incident/s to the platform(s) if you have not done so yet. You are your own best advocate and often a platform requires you to report the issue through their system regardless of any steps we take.  Please review our Cyber Safety Action Guide and guide to Managing Cyberhate and Harassment.

Please select the country in which incident took place
Please select the state in which incident took place.
Please select the city in which incident took place

Report an Incident

This is a placeholder where the progress elements will display. Be careful no to remove this wrapper.
3. Contact Information
I understand that by submitting this form, the information I provide will be shared with ADL and JGO separately for their respective review.  I further understand that each organization will independently analyze the report to determine what follow-up, if any, may be appropriate by that organization, and that the organizations’ respective assessments may differ and even potentially conflict.  I also agree that ADL and JGO each have my permission to share information with each other about my matter, though I understand that they may not necessarily do so.